
239 Audio Reviews

136 w/ Responses

This is really good. Love how slow and chill the intro buildup was. Definitely worth the wait. The piano that you started with really set a good mood and it sounded really clean. My only qualm is the synth you used in the end. It was really sharp, but not that unpleasant.

This is great. It feels so upbeat and happy. I really love the mixing. It sounds so clean and angelic. You really kept the beat simple, but it really kept my head bobbin'. The melodies worked really well with the slightly raspier lead you had going. The samples were really unique and I loved how they worked with each other. Overall, I really like this. Nice work!

EctiBot responds:

Thx for the feedback Arsonist :). Glad you liked it.

You made FL sound so beautiful, braj. I can definitely feel the x9 influence. You did a really good job with clarity. The ambience is so clear, I wanna drink it. I've only ever used FL, so I have some serious respect for this song. Well done.

Noisysundae responds:

Thanks to delay, reverb and phase offset. They really made its pluck synth crystal clear! But phase offset is good only when you hear the music in normal L-R stereo imo. Too bad. :(

I really like this.

namirhassan responds:

thanks mate!

This is pretty awesome. The percussion is really dynamic and entertaining, while at the same time really soothing. The subtle thunder during the rain is great. I am satisfied by the ambience you just gave my ears. Thank you. Really though.

Overturn responds:

I'm glad you like so much! Thanks for the comment and the compliment!

There is definitely a lot of potential here. This a groovy track and it has a nice buildup. Your mastering is done pretty well, you have the sound quality down. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you. There is a lot of sample variety in this track, but it does feel a little repetitive. If you gave a more melodic feel to this, it would definitely be 5-star worthy. Overall this is a good track and you should keep it up!

So good. Emotional is the best word to describe this. I wish this was longer because it was pulling some pretty deep stuff out of me. Keep this up. Because this is good.

DSykMusic responds:

Thanks for your review! I'll be posting more soon :)

For a second I thought I was watching Contact. Lolz.

bdog705 responds:


I have no real issues with the mastering. This sounds like a pretty generic 8-bit track. I guess my overall curiosity is with the composition. The intro was pretty clashing for me. There was a moment where the first melody came in after the intro and then they kind of worked together in a really weird and unexpected way. I definitely see potential. I would really focus on maintaining this strange and weird melodic style. I wasn't a big fan of how you incorporated it in this song, but I definitely see how you could make this sound really cool and strange at the same time. Overall, good job, keep it up, and I hope to see more from you.

vit320dragon responds:

*-* thanks, Im not very good yet, I still have to learn much more... but thanks for the tips, I'll try to keep getting better and release something new as soon as I can.

I'm honestly shocked that this doesn't have more attention. This is amazingly done. I love the dark ambient feel you incorporated into this. And it feels all drunken and evil. I can just imagine link succumbing to the temple while the moaning ambience consumes him. I'm super stoked about this song. Please keep it up.

SoulSecure responds:

Well, hey! Spread it around, man! I don't get attention mostly due to a complete lack of advertisement, lol. I've got this up on Youtube as well. My channel there has the same name as here.

I do tracks and stuff.
I also stream on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/xxultimaweapon

Stephen @xxUltimaWeapon



Learning from my bullshit

Boston Area, MA

Joined on 6/21/08

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