
239 Audio Reviews

136 w/ Responses

I really like how you built up the intro one instrument at a time. The sound is very clean and isn't cluttered at all which is always impressive. You made a lot of interesting samples work really well together and I like this a lot. Keep it up! :D

Retsamehtmai responds:

Thank you! I'm glad to hear that since this was my first time using my computer's old music program for a while. O_O

You make FL 11 sound too good.

TheBetterAudioPortal responds:

Nope, milkytracker.

Whoever zeroed you on this sucks. This is a very basic and groovy track. I would recommend adding a mid-level synth with some extra melody to give it the fullest feel it deserves.

JMSy responds:

will do that!

The clarity is pretty good. Nothing is clashing. I like the instrumental buildup. It's really good, but it doesn't have epic quality just yet. Overall, this is very chill and easy to listen to. Keep it up! :D

I don't know if you were going for that wobbly delayed sound overall, but I like the chill feel of this. Being the first in a series, it sets a good mood for what is to come. Looking forward to more. :D

This was epic. The narration was perfectly done. The memory of this good sir will be immortalized in this performance.

Coop responds:

Thank you, I can see that you're a fan of his work, too

One can only dream of reaching this level of skill. When you think of how far studio recording has come, and what this song took to create, you gain a very high level of respect. Plus, you reached a level of melody on NG that very few people were able to. This is why you are the most recognized. Please come back. :D

Really liked when the lead melody came in. I guess I was expecting it to be a little less repetitive. You have everything down real well. The quality and effects used are good. I say, apply your style to a very well written melody that moves around a lot more and you have a really good song. Keep it up. :D

Felocai responds:

Yeah, actually when I listen to it now i'm suprised i've uploaded it when it's so repetative.
Maybe i'll remake it some day

I like the atmospheric feel. Sounds pretty clean. Definitely should use this or this style in something bigger.

ADR3-N responds:

Glad you liked. I cut it short due to some writing being lost due to a power outage. I plan on revisiting it some time. :)

1:24 and after 2:00 is where I find myself getting really interested in this song. The 8-bit feel was pretty steady throughout the whole thing, obviously a little less in the last minute or so. Overall, i'd say it's very well done.

I do tracks and stuff.
I also stream on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/xxultimaweapon

Stephen @xxUltimaWeapon



Learning from my bullshit

Boston Area, MA

Joined on 6/21/08

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