I respect the amount of work you put into those drums and glitches. This is a classic house feel. You made yourself a pretty groovy and catchy beat and I like it. Keep it up!
I respect the amount of work you put into those drums and glitches. This is a classic house feel. You made yourself a pretty groovy and catchy beat and I like it. Keep it up!
My thoughts on the mastering of this track follow those before me, such as Ectisity. What I wanna focus on is what was done really well in my opinion. This song builds really well. Right from the beginning you get an epic and ominous feeling about where this is going. With proper mastering, the instruments you used would have worked together perfectly. The melodies are extremely distinct and unique. For a moment, I almost felt like I was listening to Bone Palace Ballet, because of the very unique orchestral sound you have going here. When it kicks into full dubstep mode, it feels so epic. Definitely built up to this moment extremely well. Overall, this song leaves you feeling accomplished and satisfied. Keep it up. Hope your EP goes well this summer! :D
Thanks man! I'm glad you liked it!
I haven't personally heard Bone Palace Ballet before, but I'm assuming it's a compliment with your afterthought about the unique orchestral sound, so thanks for that as well!
I'm definitely going to be going back to all of our projects in the EP that need work and touching them up before the EP hits Bandcamp, so I'm taking all the tips we get to heart when mastering new tracks and will be implementing them when I go back to these ones.
I would definitely work on variation. It's pretty basic as far as direction. At :25 I felt cheated when I heard the little variation tease that you didn't follow up on.
This song was really ambient and chill. I love how you incorporated the birds. The mastering was done really well. The only thing I noticed about this song was the sharpness of the very first instrument you used. If that was dulled just a little bit, I would definitely be relaxing to this right now.
This sounds amazing. The quality is perfect for the snake charmer feel. I like how you ended this song giving it some energy. Definitely keep it up! :D
Thx a lot for the input. Glad you like it ;)
This song is just awesome. At first it's all groovy and chill... and then... totally surprises you. It flows really well and it's really catchy. Another track well done. Keep it up!
Not what I was expecting when I first started listening. At first, I was in maplestory, chilling in ludibrium, then it got... all real and stuff. Like you shook the nostalgic memories out of my head and forced me to face reality. Then you rewarded me with some happy melodic stuff. And then things got all whimsical and curious. I don't know how I feel now. I'm just confused and not sure if I should be upset or if I should feel enlightened.
Always nice to hear when a piece of mine sways people's emotions. This one in particular
I definitely felt some X9 vibes with those crazy drums and the echoey synth. You did a really good job of re-creating that sound and feel. Plus it wasn't a lazy re-creation. I would be stoked if you came up with a finished song using this style.
I was actually thinking of working more in the same style, as it was definitely fun to channel. Thanks for the review! :)
This is straight up epic. I can't even tell what wasn't live recorded. This is super good and you should keep it up!
Thanks so much!
Virtual Instruments used:
French Horn, snare/kick drum sampled (over original drum tracks), strings (just to give a larger sound), epic room percussion, taikos, and snare drum ensembles.
I really like how energetic this was. Plus the tempo changes were awesome. You don't expect some intense transitions from an 8-bit song, but this had them. The beginning was super catchy and the transition at 1:03 was really good.
Thanks man! I wrote most of the song on Guitar and then did my best to translate that over to FamiTracker. I'm glad to know that somebody actually enjoys my work!
Unlike alot of 8-bit music I've heard around YouTube made by other people, I didn't make this with anything in mind except "Make it sound exotic", so that's just what I did!
Thanks again.
I do tracks and stuff.
I also stream on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/xxultimaweapon
Learning from my bullshit
Boston Area, MA
Joined on 6/21/08